AMI Excursions Anna Maria Island Fishing Charters with Captain Nate Costello
The AMI Fishing Charter Secret to Success by Captain Nate

The AMI Fishing Charter Secret to Success

You need a number of things for a successful Anna Maria Island fishing boat charter.

  • You need a comfortable boat, with enough space for everyone, that rides steady in a variety of conditions. (A 23-foot Hanson manufactured right here in southwest Florida works great for Anna Maria Island boat rides, for example.)
  • You need the right fishing equipment, of course—saltwater rods and reels, the right type and size hook and the right weight line.
  • And you need lures and/or bait that are appropriate to the fish you’re likely to encounter wherever and whenever you’re dropping the line in.


The thing is, lots of fishing charters on Anna Maria Island are going to have these things—or close enough that it’s hard to know what they don’t know.

So what’s the AMI fishing charter secret to success?

It’s the attitude and experience of your fishing charter captain. And when you go with AMI Excursions, your captain will always be experienced AMI charter captain Nate Costello.

Experienced Anna Maria Fishing Boat Captain

 Experience is huge in this industry. That’s not really a secret. The right fishing equipment can only get you so far. And honestly, experience helps you choose the best possible equipment, too, especially when it comes to bait and lures.

Experience gives you the all-important what, when, where, and how of catching fish:

WHAT fish we find all around Anna Maria Island.

WHEN to find different species of AMI fish, whether it’s the time of day or the time of year.

WHERE those fish congregate—near shore or offshore, sandy bottoms, structures, channels or anywhere else. Experience also tells me where to find hidden holes, local shipwrecks, and other spots that lots of folks just won’t know about.

And HOW to put all those factors together when we choose our gear, bait our hooks, aim our cast, and whether we cast-and-retrieve or let the line soak.

The more experience your AMI fishing charter captain has, the more of these questions they’ll be able to answer.

The Right Attitude to Lead an Anna Maria Island Excursion

But what some people don’t realize—until it’s too late—is how important your captain’s attitude is. After all, this is the person leading your excursion. Everyone on the boat looks to the captain to set the tone. And ultimately, you want that tone to be FUN!

Attitude is one of my strong suits as an AMI fishing captain. In addition to my more than 10 years of experience, I definitely have energy and enthusiasm, especially when it comes to taking people out on the water.

At the same time, I’m a pretty chill guy. I’m not going to over-hype anything. I’m definitely not loud or in-your-face. Fishing is supposed to be fun, but it’s also supposed to be relaxing. I have enough appreciation for the Sarasota-Bradenton marine environment to give us plenty of quiet time on the boat.

I especially like to see what kind of energy my guests are into. A good fishing charter is a conversation. I’m going to talk some, but I’m listening, too. And when it comes to catching fish, I’m your biggest fan. I’m rooting for you.

Your Captain is Key to the Best Anna Maria Island Fishing Charter

You need a good boat and decent tackle to lead a fishing charter. But it’s not the key to the best experience. I’d be wary of any fishing captain who brags about their expensive equipment above anything else.

That’s because the keys to a successful fishing charter out here on AMI are the more intangible qualities of your captain—namely experience and attitude. And it doesn’t do a lot of good to have one without the other.

I’m happy to bring both to the water with me every time I step on the boat.

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Article Written By

Nate Costello

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